Mild Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Deficiency Alters Inflammatory and Lipid Pathways in Liver. D. Leclerc, K. Christensen, O. Cauv, E. Yang*, F. Fournelle*, R. Bahous, O. Malysheva, L. Deng, Q. Wu, Z. Zhou, Z.-H. Gao, P. Chaurand, M. A. Caudill and R. Rozen. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, Vol 63, 1801001 (2019).
Mapping the triglyceride distribution in NAFLD human liver by MALDI imaging mass spectrometry reveals molecular differences in micro and macro steatosis. H. Alarmi, N. H. Patterson, E. Yang*, P. Zoroquiain, A. Lazaris, P. Chaurand and P. Metrakos. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol 411, 885-894 (2019).
Enhancing ganglioside species detection for MALDI-TOF imaging mass spectrometry in negative reflectron mode. E. Yang*, M. Dufresne*, and P. Chaurand* International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 437, 3-9 (2019).
Co-registration and analysis of multiple imaging mass spectrometry datasets targeting different analytes. N.H. Patterson*, E. Yang*, E.-A. Kranjec* and P. Chaurand*. Bioinformatics, Vol. 35, 1261-1262 (2019).
Mapping the fly Malpighian tubule lipidome by imaging mass spectrometry E. Yang*, C. Gamberi and P. Chaurand*. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 54, 557-566 (2019).